
About Us

Mission Statement

Mid-Missouri Peaceworks is an egalitarian, non-profit, grassroots membership organization. We are based out of a storefront headquarters, the Peace Nook, in downtown Columbia, Missouri. Since 1982 we have been working for a more peaceful, just and sustainable future. Our mission is as follows: Peaceworks holds a vision of an ecologically sound, sustainable world and a violence-free community in which human equality and justice flourish. We aspire to create a participatory, cooperative social order in which all individuals can fully actualize their potential free of coercion or violence.

Peaceworks is sensitive to the interconnectedness of all on this planet, and conscious of the multiple threats to survival. A primary mission of our organization is opposing and defusing these threats.

Through public education, advocacy and fellowship, Peaceworks strives to serve as a vehicle for citizen empowerment. A primary premise upon which we pursue our mission is that citizens can, and should, be involved in policy decision making at all levels. We aim to achieve both a greater degree of democracy, and outcomes which move us incrementally toward our vision.

Our Background

Peaceworks was started in Columbia, Missouri in 1982, as a Nuclear Weapons Freeze group. Over the years we expanded our focus to include related peace, justice and sustainability concerns. In 1991 we changed our name to Peaceworks. We are an independent, local group made up of approximately 500 individuals or families.

Follow Us On-Line: We do public education and advocacy on a number of issues. Our main Facebook page is Peaceworks. Also, among Peaceworks' projects are the Center for Sustainable Living and Peaceworks' Missourians for Climate Action. We also operate the Peace Nook, a non-profit store and community resource center. Peaceworks is also a leading member of the Columbia Earth Day Coalition.

Get Involved

We are very much in need of volunteer help here in our non-profit store and community resource center. If you can spare two hours a week on a regularly scheduled basis, please stop by the Peace Nook or give us a call at 573-875-0539 to see if we can find a mutually good time for you to help out here. We provide a supportive volunteer work environment, on the job training, the opportunity to contribute to our work, much appreciation and a modest volunteer discount on purchases. Many thanks in advance.

We are also seeking volunteers to work on our climate action advocacy, peace advocacy, and sustainable living educational efforts. If you are interested in getting more involved in these aspects of our work, please e-mail us or give us a call at 573-875-0539 and ask for Mark or Laura.