The Russian invasion eight months ago has led to a devastating war that
needs to end ASAP. Both sides seem more than willing to continue the fighting
and, if need be, to further escalate, possibly leading to the use of nuclear
weapons. This is a most dangerous approach. Ending the war through military victory
by either side has proven elusive to date and is likely to continue to be unattainable.
We find this situation, and our government’s approach, unacceptable. Rather
than a prolonged conflict—so costly in life and limb, not to mention the
destruction of infrastructure and the harm caused to the environment—we need a ceasefire
and a negotiated settlement.
The United States is the primary provider of weapons to the Ukrainian side and
thus has great leverage. Powerful interests in our government, however, see
this as an opportunity to reduce Russia’s power and influence and possibly even
to pursue regime change. They are joined with the arms merchants of the Military-Industrial
Complex in seeing this war as an opportunity, rather than a tragedy.
We, the people, have to say “No!” to this approach and instead for our
government to make it clear to both the Ukraine and Russian sides that
continued war is unacceptable.
We have written about this in more depth in our most recent newsletter and you
can access this if you CLICK HERE. We
welcome your feedback on this.