

Working towards peace and sustainability

Seven Steps to a Peaceful Future

As we observe the seventh anniversary of the Iraq War, Peaceworks and our allies in the Columbia Peace Coalition invite all to take action on multiple fronts to promote a peaceful future for ourselves, our children and the generations to come. Here are a few suggestions:

Seven Steps to a Peaceful Future

Be visible for Peace. Participate in vigils and rallies. Display peace messages. Keep peace in the forefront.

Speak Up for Peace. Make your concerns known by writing letters and making phone calls. Communicate regularly with elected officials, write letters-to-the-editors of newspapers, call in on radio shows, comment on blogs, etc. Challenge the influence of the corporate war machine. Those who profit from war have undo influence over our political process. Help build a grassroots, pro-peace counterweight.

Celebrate Peace Creatively. Messages of peace can be conveyed through visual arts, music, dance, performance art, poetry and other creative writing. Listen to your muse and let your peace message out.

Educate and Empathize for Peace. Become informed as to the true costs of war, including its impact on civilians, members of the military, and society at large. Share your concerns with friends, neighbors, co-workers, co-parishioners &/or family members.

Live Simply for Peace. Make peace with the Earth. Join the sustainability revolution.

Be a Peacemaker. Develop and utilize conflict resolution skills to promote greater harmony in your family, your social circle and your wider community. Participate in the evolution of our society into one that embraces inclusion and win-win solutions, rather than dominance and control.

Cultivate Inner Peace. Through prayer, meditation or creative visualization seek the peaceful space within. Find strength in this peace to support your activism.