As we've recently shared, (see our post of 4/5/13 HERE) we are very disappointed by the lack of support for any specific actions to address the climate crisis on the part of Sen. McCaskill. This, combined with her consistent support for the very technologies that are fueling climate change, means she's paying lip service to climate concerns, but supporting continued expansion of fossil fuel extraction and use, and thus is supporting action that will worsen, not alleviate, our problems.
Claire McCaskill is not alone in doing this. While President Obama
has supported some green energy initiatives and a few modest steps regarding carbon emission, notably improved CAFE standards for autos, his so-called "All of the Above" energy strategy is really a non-strategy. His support for fracking for gas and oil, tar sands oil, more coal and off-shore drilling is a recipe for climate disaster. And his support for new nuclear plants, a dangerous, expensive diversion that fails the tests of effectively addressing the climate crisis in a timely, affordable manner.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are working to get a message to Sen. McCaskill and also to the President expressing our concerns. We've printed cards addressed to these two officials and plan to hand deliver a large quantity to the Senator's office in the near future, and to mail a large packet to the President.
We are asking you to either stop by the Peace Nook to fill out cards to each, or to download the PDF of the cards, print copies, sign them and bring them or mail them to us, so we can include these with our delivery.
You can find the cards by clicking HERE. When you get to that page, just click the download arrow under the word "File" in the upper left of your screen. The cards are four-to-a-sheet so you can cut them up and ask friends, family etc. to join in signing.
You can bring them by the Peace Nook or mail the cards to us at: Peaceworks, 804-C E. Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201. Please do so ASAP. Many thanks.