

Working towards peace and sustainability

We Need You to “Keep it Local”—Support Peaceworks’ Year-End Drive

For Peaceworks, “think globally, act locally,” is not just a slogan.
It’s been our modus operandi for more than three decades. We mobilize at the grassroots to tackle issues like war and peace, climate change and much more. We educate, right here in our mid-Missouri communities, about Sustainable Living, a Peace Economy, Fair Trade and lots more.

To fund our work, we rely primarily on the generous support of members of our mid-Missouri community. We’re very frugal, most work is done by volunteers, overhead is kept low and we can assure you that we stretch your dollars here at Peaceworks so they go much further than dollars sent to big-name national organizations,

To cover our needed expenses and avoid finishing the year in the red, we’ve kicked off a major fundraising campaign, “Keep it Local.” Our target is to raise $30,000 during the last quarter of this year. This is not a trivial goal. It’s more than we’ve ever raised before and the success of this effort depends on:

  • Some of you who are already PW supporters digging a bit deeper than usual.
  • Some of you who appreciate PW, but have not been donors, or haven’t given for some time, jumping in and lending some support. And
  • More folks signing up to be sustaining members, giving perhaps $15 or $20, perhaps $10 or $25 on a monthly basis. (easily and automatically done on a debit or credit card).

We invite you to read over our Year-End Appeal. Just CLICK HERE to access the letter. (For easier reading, click the download button.)

We really hope you will recognize the importance of our work and give generously to enable us to move forward into 2014.

You can give securely on-line if you CLICK HERE, or you can mail your contributions to Peaceworks, 804-C E. Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201. Or, you can just stop by the Peace Nook at any time we're open and give in person. However you do it, it's most appreciated.