The U.S. war on Iraq was illegal and immoral; a war of
aggression. Our tax dollars and U.S. troops were used to take down Iraq's
government. The years of violence that have followed, including current events,
are the direct consequence. The lesson needs to be learned. We must never again
launch an aggressive war or attack a nation that has done nothing to attack or
threaten us. Moreover, and perhaps more to the point at the moment, a U.S.
military intervention, even one that was just from the air, with no "boots
on the ground" would only compound the unfolding tragedy; like pouring
gasoline on a fire. Our government should not be sending troops—whether we call
them advisers or combat troops matters
little—we shouldn’t be putting U.S. “boots on
the ground.” They should not be sending drones, planes or missiles to drop
bombs that will undoubtedly kill innocents. And they should not be selling or
giving arms to the Iraqi government. The U.S. has already supplied too many
weapons to Iraq and they are now in the hands of both sides in the conflict.
What's needed is a groundswell of
opposition. Polls show lots of people opposed, but when so few are taking
action, politicians think people don't really care and therefore they can do
what they choose, w/o concern for our opposition.
MAKE IT VISIBLE: We invite and encourage you to join us
this Wednesday anytime between 4:30-5:30 p.m. at the intersection of
Broadway and Providence. If you don't want to see your tax dollars paying for
bombs falling on Iraq, make your concern visible, please. We’ll have signs and
banners and welcome you to be there for whatever portion of the hour fits your
schedule. We also invite participation at this time any Wednesday that you can
join us. We’ve held a weekly Rush Hour Demo for Peace for 12 going on 13 years
now and welcome participation whenever it can fit your schedule.
House (202-456-1111) or post a message on their site: CLICK HERE.
Also, please contact your Congressional delegation. You can find their
contact info if you CLICK HERE.
REGARDING THE LONG HAUL: Peaceworks and our peace movement allies have
been working for years to promote a thoroughgoing reconsideration of the U.S.
role in the world. The Military Industrial Complex has held sway for far too
long and policies driven by geopolitical and profit imperatives are weakening us
and diminishing, not enhancing, our security. Our work for a sustainable Peace
Economy that provides Real Security will continue. We need and invite your
participation in this work as well. If you’d like to get more involved, please
let us know. You can reach us via phone at 573-875-0539 or via e-mail at mail@midmopeaceworks.org.