

Working towards peace and sustainability

Dissidents Rising to the Challenge

We are dissidents. For nearly 36 years Peaceworks has challenged the status quo. We’ve questioned the logic of a nuclear arms race. We’ve opposed wars—popular and unpopular alike; waged by both Republicans and Democrats. We’ve advocated phasing out fossil fuels and nuclear power. We’ve opposed the undue influence of powerful corporations and the wealthy people who own them.

Peaceworks has raised our collective voice in opposition to the race-to-the-bottom sort of globalization exemplified by the WTO and TPP. We’ve defended civil liberties and privacy, while promoting inclusion and equal rights for all. We’ve questioned the irrational belief of infinite growth in a finite system and worked to promote a vision of a livable, peaceful, egalitarian and sustainable future.

We’ve praised elected officials when they’ve taken actions we agree with. But, more often than not, we’ve spoken out regarding the misdirected policies and actions they’ve pursued. The need to question, while it’s always been present, has never been as great as it is today in the era of Trump. And the same goes for the need to propose and promote real solutions.

At a time when every day brings a new outrage, we are consistently speaking out, contacting elected officials, demonstrating, petitioning and more. A big part of what we do, however, is to educate. This allows us to not only respond to what’s immediately in front of us, but also to help create a society that is better informed; one that includes more people in the know and ready to act on that knowledge.

Put another way, we are working to transform the social order by creating a society of well-informed dissidents.

We encourage you to learn more and engage in informed discussion on the issues with fellow citizens. In the near future we will be hosting three important informational events. Please join us for:

The Climate Crisis remains right up at the top of our list, given the existential threat it presents. The ascendance of deniers and delayers under Trump has only increased the urgency of our work. On Thursday, Nov. 2 we will be hosting a free screening of the excellent Naomi Klein documentary “This Changes Everything.” The film will be shown at 7 p.m. in Rm. 1 of MU’s Arts and Science Building. For more info CLICK HERE.

The nuclear threat is also right up there along with climate change in our list of concerns exacerbated by the rise of Trump. On the evening of Thursday, Nov. 9. Steven Starr, an internationally recognized expert, will be speaking on the subject “The Increasing Danger of Nuclear War and its Consequences”. This will be held at 7 p.m. in Rm. 210 of MU’s Strickland Hall. For more info CLICK HERE.

And, while individual action alone is not sufficient to address the Climate Crisis, it is necessary.  For that reason, on Thursday, Nov. 30 we will be hosting a talk on “Living a Low-Carbon Lifestyle,” presented by Peaceworks Director Mark Haim. This will be held at 7 p.m. in the Friends Room of the Columbia Public Library. For more info CLICK HERE.

Finally, in addition to education, we need to put a little celebration into our activist lives and thus we are holding Peaceworks’ 31st Annual Dinner on the evening of Saturday, Nov. 11, at the Missouri United Methodist Church. All details for this are available if you CLICK HERE.

Your engaged participation will help us all to, in the words of Naomi Klein, “win the world we need.”