

Working towards peace and sustainability

Peace Presence Needed

It is essential that we bring an "End the War Now" message to our fellow citizens regularly. The most visible way to do this is to join in the weekly Rush Hour Peace Demonstrations held each Wednesday from 4:15-5:45 p.m. at the intersection of Broadway & Providence. As the weather gets colder it becomes more difficult for some of our regular participants to turn out (two regulars are octogenarians), so we'd really like to encourage those of you who are hail and hardy to pick up the slack.

You don't need to come for the entire time. Please feel encouraged to come out for whatever portion of the time you can. Please dress warmly, and, if it is wet, raingear is helpful. We will supply banners and signs.

We also encourage attendance at the weekly peace vigil in front of the Columbia Post Office from 10-11 a.m. each Saturday and at the Women in Black Vigil Against Violence at MU's Speakers' Circle each Tuesday, 12-1 p.m. Please come when you can.