Peaceworks is gearing up for a very active fall. We, of course, invite your participation in our activities and our activism.
Over the course of the next few weeks, our efforts will be focused largely on Columbia's fifth annual Sustainable Living Fair, which will be held Saturday, September 15, and on A Peaceful World is Possible, the community gathering marking the sixth anniversary of the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001.
We are also working, as Missourians for Safe Energy, on a very important new Safe, Sustainable Energy Petition Drive.
We are also in the midst of a Fall Volunteer Recruitment Drive at the Peace Nook, and at the same time celebrating our 17th anniversary with a series of exciting sales that run now through the end of September.
We would love to have your help on any and all of these fronts. This is a critical time for us to be making our voices heard to help end the Iraq War and to prevent a U.S. attack on Iran.
There is also a limited window of opportunity in our efforts to prevent AmerenUE from building a new nuclear plant. And Global Climate Change is an ever-present threat that demands systemic change.
The bottom line is there is no time to be complacent. No time to be bored. The time for action is now and no one else can take your place. If you feel ready to help make a difference, please contact Peaceworks today. If you've got a little time, we'll be happy to offer some options for activism. Thanks, in advance, for all you do.