Had ENOUGH? Sick and tired of endless war? Are
you more than a little disturbed when you hear that our government plans at
least three and a half more years of hot war in Afghanistan, and aims for a
troop presence there for the next 13+ years? Do you think that there are better
uses for the $2 billion we're spending there each week? How about the
lives of the war's victims--both combatants and civilians?
If you want to see an end to what some would
like to be perpetual war, it's going to take sustained, active involvement.
It's easy for the politicians to ignore polls showing more than two-thirds of
our citizens want to bring our troops home from Afghanistan, when hardly anyone
is making serious noise about this.
As we observe the tenth anniversary of this
terrible conflict we all have a responsibility to make our voices heard. And we
have that opportunity with "ENOUGH! Stand for Peace &
Justice." Plan to join us at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 9 at Courthouse
ACTION TODAY. SIGN UP NOW: Our first goal is to get 120 people to
commit to attending. This number represents the number of months since the
start of the Afghanistan War. 120 months of war, 120 months too many!
of September 22, 54 people have signed up. We're nearly halfway to our initial
goal. If you can commit to being one of the remaining 66, please send
us an e-mail at mail@midmopeaceworks.org
with the subject line "Enough Sign-Up" Please include your name
and your phone number.
HELP RECRUIT OTHERS: Getting 120 peace and justice advocates
to participate is just the first step. We will be working to get at least
twice this number by urging each participant to recruit at least one friend,
family member, neighbor, co-parishioner or colleague to also sign up. The
first 120 represent the ENOUGH! part, the dark months of war. Those who commit
beyond this represent our hope for a peaceful future. We want the hope to
exceed the period of darkness and war. Please join in working with us to build
a really robust turnout for this important anniversary event.