

Working towards peace and sustainability

Pursuing a Sustainable Future—Don’t Miss the 2014 SLF

As we look at our conflict-plagued planet, the need for change on all levels is readily apparent. And a critical aspect of addressing the multiple crises we face is making the transition to an economy and a culture that is rooted in sustainability.

While it is clear that changes in public policy and societal purpose are essential, it is also apparent that our collective impact on the planet and its ecosystems is the sum of our individual impacts. And who, among us in the affluent “developed world,” couldn’t take steps to green-up our lifestyle and reduce our footprint?

The beauty of making change in this incremental, piecemeal fashion is that one doesn’t have to get new laws passed or cajole a buy-in from politicians or other institutional decision-makers. Rather, sustainable lifestyle choices are doable on the individual or household level. And further, they allow each of us to lead by example, inspiring and encouraging others to move in these greener directions.

A great opportunity to learn more and consider what changes one might like to make is the upcoming, October 18, Sustainable Living Fair (SLF). We hope you’ll join us and participate in the 2014 SLF. You can learn more about this event if you CLICK HERE.

A Green Triangle

Sustainable living involves bettering our environment by making choices that lessen our impact on the Earth. Sustainable choices are also usually healthier and they save money. For example, if you walk or bike sometimes, instead of driving a car, you cut back on fossil fuel use and reduce your output of greenhouse gases and other polluting emissions, while you save money on gas and vehicle maintenance and get needed exercise to boot. This happy convergence was dubbed “the Green Triangle” by author Ernest Callenbach.

While the obvious example above is not an option for everyone, all of us can make some changes, be they in our home energy use, our participation in local food production, our dietary choices, our waste stream management or our level of overall consumption and specific consumption choices.

Those attending the SLF will be provided the opportunity, through booths, displays, workshops, a keynoter and sustainable building tours, to learn more and do some thinking about options for positive change.

A sustainable lifestyle also involves recognizing the interconnectedness of all life - recognizing that our actions here can affect other people places and things across the globe. Living sustainably can bring more satisfaction and meaning to your life.

Join us for the SLF. For more information, please visit the SLF website by CLICKING HERE and also visit our Facebook event by CLICKING HERE.