

Working towards peace and sustainability

Solidarity March

 Are you as disturbed as we are by Donald Trump’s appointees and the agenda they are promoting? We sincerely hope you will join us in the weeks and months ahead in taking a stand to oppose their actions.

There will be numerous ways to do this as we move forward, but, to demonstrate, right from the start, our deeply held concerns, we invite you to join Peaceworks and at least 20 co-sponsoring groups in a Solidarity March and Rally that will be held on Saturday, January 21, on the same day as, and in solidarity with, the Women’s March on Washington.

Together we will take a stand to support social and economic justice, public health and safety, inclusion, climate and the environment, peace and our very democracy. Over the coming months we will be working hard to reach out to our neighbors to build as broad a consensus as possible in opposition to an unprecedented assault on virtually everything we cherish and have fought hard for many decades to attain. Our approach will be respectful, but unapologetically in opposition to the direction that the Trump administration and their Congressional allies aim to take us.

Please plan to join us for the Solidarity March and Rally on Saturday, Jan. 21. We will gather between 1-1:30 p.m. at Courthouse Plaza, march to Stephens College and hold an indoor rally featuring speakers, music, tabling and more there.

You can find the details (as well as RSVP and invite others) via the Facebook event if you click HERE.

There will also be a Rally: Inaugurating Resistance to the Trump Agenda. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20, at Traditions Plaza (between the Law School and the Alumni Center on Conley Ave.) on the MU Campus. We encourage those who can make it out Friday to join us for this as well.

The list of co-sponsoring groups to date includes: Columbia Area NOW; Columbia Climate Change Coalition; Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation; Mid-Missouri Peaceworks; Mid-Missourians for Justice in Palestine; Missouri NOW; MDP Women’s Caucus; Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, Columbia Chapter; Mizzou Energy Action Coalition; Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense; Native American Support Group; NextGen Climate; OneMic; Osage Group Sierra Club; Our Revolution, Mid-Missouri; Planned Parenthood Great Plains; Protectors of Water and Land-Columbia, MO; Race Matters, Friends; Renew Missouri; Social Action Team of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Mid-Missouri.